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Included In this sale
- Model Number: CiscoASA5505-BUN-K9
- Quantity Available: 100
- Quantity: ONE (1)
- Warranty: 30 DAY
- 1 Power adapter
Switch#sh env alFAN is OKSYSTEM TEMPERATURE is OKSW PID Serial# Status Sys Pwr PoE Pwr Watts--- ------------------ ---------- --------------- ------- ------- -----1 Built-in Good
SW Status RPS Name RPS Serial# RPS Port#-- ------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------1 Not Present <>
ciscoasa# sh veCompiled on Tue 14-Jul-15 22:19 by buildersSystem image file is "disk0:/xxxxxxxxxxxxxConfig file at boot was "startup-config"
ciscoasa up 5 mins 5 secs
Hardware: ASA5505, xxx MB RAM, CPU Geode 500 MHz,Internal ATA Compact Flash, 128MBBIOS Flash M50FW080 0xfff00000, 1024KB
Encryption hardware device : Cisco ASA-5505 on-board accelerator (revision 0x0) Boot microcode : CN1000-MC-BOOT-2.00 SSL/IKE microcode : CNLite-MC-SSLm-PLUS-2.06 IPSec microcode : CNlite-MC-IPSECm-MAIN-2.09 Number of accelerators: 1
0: Int: Internal-Data0/0 : address is 001e.1313.1c1c, irq 111: Ext: Ethernet0/0 : address is 001e.1313.1c14, irq 2552: Ext: Ethernet0/1 : address is 001e.1313.1c15, irq 2553: Ext: Ethernet0/2 : address is 001e.1313.1c16, irq 2554: Ext: Ethernet0/3 : address is 001e.1313.1c17, irq 2555: Ext: Ethernet0/4 : address is 001e.1313.1c18, irq 2556: Ext: Ethernet0/5 : address is 001e.1313.1c19, irq 2557: Ext: Ethernet0/6 : address is 001e.1313.1c1a, irq 2558: Ext: Ethernet0/7 : address is 001e.1313.1c1b, irq 2559: Int: Internal-Data0/1 : address is 0000.0003.0002, irq 25510: Int: Not used : irq 25511: Int: Not used : irq 255
Licensed features for this platform:Maximum Physical Interfaces : 8 perpetualVLANs : 3 DMZ RestrictedDual ISPs : Disabled perpetualVLAN Trunk Ports : 0 perpetualInside Hosts : 10 perpetualFailover : Disabled perpetualEncryption-DES : Enabled perpetualEncryption-3DES-AES : Enabled perpetualAnyConnect Premium Peers : 2 perpetualAnyConnect Essentials : Disabled perpetualOther VPN Peers : 10 perpetualTotal VPN Peers : 12 perpetualShared License : Disabled perpetualAnyConnect for Mobile : Disabled perpetualAnyConnect for Cisco VPN Phone : Disabled perpetualAdvanced Endpoint Assessment : Disabled perpetualUC Phone Proxy Sessions : 2 perpetualTotal UC Proxy Sessions : 2 perpetualBotnet Traffic Filter : Disabled perpetualIntercompany Media Engine : Disabled perpetualCluster : Disabled perpetual
This platform has a Base license.
Serial Number: JMXxxxxxxxxRunning Permanent Activation Key: 0xd606796f 0xb8df3994 0x28116178 0x8bbc04b0 0x4738aba5Configuration register is 0x41Configuration has not been modified since last system restart.