Scan scan your corporate network to ensure HIPAA compliance as well as other government regulations.
If your company is using a dedicated connection to the internet such as T1, Frame Relay, ISDN, DSL, or Cable modem service, you can use our service to scan specific servers, switches, routers and other devices connected to your network for vulnerabilities.
If you're running Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP or server products on your network, you're probably already aware that Microsoft releases security updates frequently. We'll test your systems to make sure they're current.
If you're running Linux and Unix servers, our scanner will test known vulnerabilities of common server programs such as sendmail, apache, samba, ftp, openssl, php, mysql, imap, pop3 and many more.
Are you worried about employees running insecure bandwidth intensive applications such as Kazza, Morpheus and other peer-to-peer file sharing applications? Our service can detect these services so you can deactivate them and secure your network.
Your corporate network probably already has a firewall in place, but are you sure it's configured correctly? You can use our service to test and tweak your firewall's configuration.
If after receiving your scan results, you end up applying patches and other fixes, you can obtain one additional follow-up scan for FREE!
Let Vulnerability Scanning Solutions, LLC. help you identify loopholes, backdoors, and other ways hackers can get into your company's workstations . We'll give you a detailed report of any vulnerabilities, and suggest ways that you can fix them.
Monthly service plans and Server Licensing options are available at reduced rates. Make regular vulnerability testing a part of your company's Information Technology Secuirty Policies.
We accept corporate purchase orders. After placing your order online, simply fax your purchase order to 954-499-6319.